2016 has been a great year for FC, filled with many placements, a bunch of new clients, a couple team members and one very exciting office move! We are excited beyond belief with what 2017 holds for us and can't wait to make it even better than this year.
January is a perfect time to start looking for that next step in your career! So, if your New Year's resolution is 'New Year, New Me' (for the 100th time), and you're looking for a new role, then don't hesitate to get in contact with one of us at FC and tell us what you are looking for!
So, drink plenty of mulled wine, eat lots of mince pies and make sure you make the most of your time off this festive season! Wishing all our current, previous and future candidates, clients and anyone else who's reading, a HUGE Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy New Year!